Users can make their window any size they want, but we capture the resize event and make adjustments to the requested size to ensure the window keeps the correct proportions (using SDL_SetVideoMode). (The following& ...
sdl resize
[SDL2]-Transparency Fails After Window Resize? Hi, My team and I are developing a new 2d video game engine based on SDL 2. We have found a problem: On Windows 8 when the SDL 2 window is resized, texture alpha& ...
I am a little unsure as to what exactly is going on with this, but basically I have the following code: #include "SDL/SDL.h" #include "Button.h" #include "SDL/SDL_opengl.h" #include using namespace std; const int& ...
I have written a program to draw the mandelbrot set .. again .. the first time I used a zoom that left the size of the sdl screen the same and it.
Users can make their window any size they want, but we capture the resize event and make adjustments to the requested size to ensure the window keeps the correct proportions (using SDL_SetVideoMode). (The following& ...
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